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A Casual Glance at Torchlight 2

Here, take this sword! And these crossbows, this robe, this war hammer, these wands, these greaves, and all this gold. Torchlight 2, an action-packed fantasy roleplaying game teeming with quests and killing, is hours of casual looting fun.

This game makes slaying hordes of goblins, nests of arachnids and dozens of other fantasy villains both entertaining and satisfying. Players choose one of four different classes, each with unique abilities: The bot-constructing Engineer, the close-quartered Berserker, the spellcasting Embermage, and the ranged Outlander. Each offers a wholly different experience to the game and with the diversity of the skill tree, each class has various customisable playstyles.

But while there is depth in the class creation, it is not complex. The game is relatively easy to navigate and I have lost hours in the simplicity of casting, levelling, and looting. There are so many enjoyable features packed into this game; here are some of my favourites:


As previously hinted at, players receive a lot of items and gold in Torchlight 2. Weapons, wearables, and potions seem to be stashed in every crack of every cave. I found it a nice downtime to the constant disembowelment of hordes to be able to stop, sort my loot, keep the goodies, then pass the trash to my loyal pet.


Yes, players choose and name a pet to travel and kill alongside them in their adventures. And when you have too much loot mid-way through your quest, send them off to the store to sell your ten tattered coifs. Between gutter stomping goblins you can jot down on your shopping list the consumables you are low on. Your pet is so intelligent, it will purchase the items while at the store!


Evil is all around you in this world, you have just annihilated a giant skeleton army, you are about to face a horde of zombies... But then you see a small pier, and on the end is a secret fishing spot. Now you can sit back, hook a few jackal bass, and enjoy the serenity. Any catches you make you can feed to your humble companion, each fish having a different effect. I found the fishing mechanic a fun way to momentarily distance the player from the action, even if you only get a few attempts for each waterhole.

Similar to the diversity of the game's loot and customisation options, the range of enemies keeps gameplay interesting throughout the game’s four Acts (a special mention to the Netherim, I love a good Lovecraftian enemy).

Torchlight 2 is great for a casual gaming session; it keeps the player reaching for the next experience level, allowing you to wear better gear and hit enemies harder. I recommend rounding up some friends and charging head first into this game.

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